Who is Spandam in One Piece?

Forty-one years ago, Spandam was born as the son of Spandine. During his childhood, he had a pet elephant, although the fate of the elephant is unknown. Less than twelve years prior to the main storyline, Spandam cunningly manipulated the Five Elders, influential figures within the world government, to alter their policy regarding the Ancient

Forty-one years ago, Spandam was born as the son of Spandine. During his childhood, he had a pet elephant, although the fate of the elephant is unknown. Less than twelve years prior to the main storyline, Spandam cunningly manipulated the Five Elders, influential figures within the world government, to alter their policy regarding the Ancient Weapons.

He convinced them to allow the recovery of these powerful weapons in order to combat the escalating pirate activities. However, Spandam's true intention behind this manipulation was to seize control of the government and establish his own rule over the world.

Still from the anime.

Eight years before the start of the main storyline, Spandam served as the leader of the CP5, a division within the government intelligence agency. During this time, he orchestrated a plan to obtain the Pluton blueprints held by a shipwright named Tom. When Tom refused to hand over the blueprints, Spandam devised a scheme to frame him.

He utilized Franky's battleships to attack a judiciary ship, creating the illusion that Tom, along with his apprentices Franky and Iceburg, were responsible for the assault. However, Spandam's plan backfired as Tom had safely hidden the blueprints. In the process, Franky severely scarred Spandam's face as retaliation.

Later, when Franky attempted to prevent the sea train that Tom's Workers had constructed from departing, Spandam heartlessly ordered his men to proceed, finding amusement in Franky's suffering as he was run down by the train.

Approximately six years after these events, Spandam ascended to the position of chief of CP9, succeeding his father, Spandine. Three years following his promotion, Spandam dispatched CP9 to the city of Water 7 with the objective of completing what he had failed to achieve previously: seizing the Pluton blueprints.

Water 7 Arc

Aokiji, a former Marine Admiral, made contact with Spandam, the head of CP9, regarding the whereabouts of Nico Robin. Aokiji, aware of Robin's past and vulnerabilities, provided this information to Spandam. Recognizing the opportunity to capture Robin, Spandam nearly ordered his CP9 agents to take action immediately.

However, he decided to delay their actions and wait for Robin to arrive, hoping to capitalize on her capture. In addition to the knowledge of Robin's location, Spandam also acquired the authority to summon the Buster Call, a devastating military strike, through the use of the Golden Den Den Mushi, a special type of snail. Aokiji entrusted Spandam with this power on his behalf, further enhancing Spandam's position and influence.

Still from the anime.

Spandam's first appearance in the story occurred when CP9 contacted him about capturing Franky, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Spandam promptly issued orders for the CP9 agents to bring Franky to Enies Lobby, a government-controlled island. When Franky heard Spandam's voice, he was filled with shock and anger, having a history with him.

Spandam took pleasure in taunting Franky, mocking his perceived weakness. However, in a moment of clumsiness, Spandam accidentally spilled his coffee on himself, causing Blueno, one of his subordinates, to abruptly end the call.

Enies Lobby Arc

Later on, before the arrival of Lucci's CP9 group, Spandam was shown in the company of the other CP9 agents: Jabra, Fukurou, and Kumadori. They discussed the unexpected escalation of their mission, which was initially intended to involve the elimination of only three individuals but had now expanded to over twenty targets.

Each agent attempted to explain the situation, leading to tensions rising between Jabra, Fukurou, and Kumadori. Spandam, trying to downplay the issue, assured them that the mission was ultimately successful. However, his lack of coordination caused him to spill coffee on himself once again, causing him to scream in pain.

Soon after, he received information that the Straw Hat Pirates had arrived at the gate, prompting him to order the Marines to wake up Oimo and Kashii, two giant guards stationed on the island. Unaware of the full extent of the chaos caused by Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Spandam mistakenly assumed that only a few Marines had been defeated, underestimating the true scale of the situation.

Still from the anime.

Spandam was later seen eagerly greeting Lucci and the other CP9 members, expressing delight at the sight of Franky, whom he hadn't encountered in many years. His excitement heightened upon finally capturing Robin, as he believed he could use her to gain control over the World Government. Spandam envisioned a plan where he would force Robin to locate and activate the original Pluton, an ancient weapon capable of massive destruction.

Additionally, using the blueprints obtained from Franky, Spandam intended to construct a second Pluton, which would serve as the only means to prevent the original from causing worldwide devastation. By possessing the key to such destructive power, Spandam believed he would attain ultimate control and dominance.

As the CP9 agents began to mock Spandam and belittle his weakness in comparison to them, he defended himself by highlighting the strength of his sword, Funkfreed, which he relied on to compensate for his physical shortcomings. However, Kalifa pointed out his history of sexual harassment, shocking him, and adding to his annoyance caused by Kumadori and Jabra's intimate moment.

Spandam then explained that he possessed the Golden Den Den Mushi because Aokiji, despite not being an admiral himself, granted him the authority. When Robin questioned why he was given such a privilege, considering his position, Spandam reacted with violence. He punched her, instructing her to mind her own business and reminding her that her fate was sealed.

Gloating about obtaining the blueprints for Pluton, he laughed, infuriating Franky, who bit him in response to his mockery of Tom's sacrifice. Kumadori intervened to protect Spandam from Franky's attack, though his assistance was less than effective, accidentally knocking the Den Den Mushi off the hook.

Before CP9 departed, Spandam distributed Devil Fruits to Kaku and Kalifa, acquired through his connections, encouraging them to consume the fruits in the hopes of further empowering CP9. As an emergency call came in, Spandam assumed that the Straw Hat Pirates had been annihilated, relishing in his triumph as he boasted to Robin.

Still from the anime.

However, his satisfaction quickly turned into shock when he was informed that the Straw Hats had arrived at the courthouse and that Luffy had defeated over 1000 Marines. Confused, Spandam inquired about the fate of the original five Marines, only to be further astonished when Oimo and Kashii switched sides and allied with the Straw Hats.

Overwhelmed, he rushed to the window and witnessed Blueno's defeat on the courthouse roof, exclaiming his confusion about the chaos unfolding on Enies Lobby. When Luffy called out to Robin, Spandam hurriedly returned to the window, only to be shocked by Blueno's defeat at the hands of the pirate. Disbelieving the idea that a pirate could overcome a CP9 agent like Blueno, Spandam panicked and ordered the Marines to assemble the remaining CP9 agents.

His surprise continued as he noticed Franky's buttocks inflating. Franky announced his intention to self-destruct, causing Spandam to flee for his life, albeit clumsily tripping on the stairs. However, instead of detonating, Franky unleashed a move called Coup De Boo, generating a powerful fart that propelled him and Robin to the outer edge of the roof. Urging CP9 to prevent their escape and restrain them, Spandam desperately sought to regain control of the situation.

As Robin shouted to Luffy about her desire to die rather than be rescued, Spandam found immense amusement in the situation. He laughed and clapped with excitement, relishing in Robin's apparent despair. He welcomed CP9 to join him on the top of the roof, where the others were gathered.

When Jabra inquired about the possibility of killing Luffy, Spandam instructed him to wait, intending to make Luffy suffer by witnessing Robin's refusal to be saved. He was taken aback and appalled by Luffy's audacity to pick his nose, despite Spandam's threats. His fear grew when he realized that the other members of the Straw Hat crew had fully arrived to confront CP9.

The presence of the entire crew intimidated him. Spandam made the decision to initiate the Buster Call, a powerful military strike. However, Robin pleaded with him, warning him about the horrors it could unleash. Despite her plea, Spandam remained determined to proceed with his plan.

Still from the anime.

Spandam proceeded to address the crew, emphasizing the gravity of challenging the World Government. He explained that the World Government's authority was absolute, with over 170 nations united in alliance with them, all of which were Robin's enemies. Luffy, now understanding the extent of Robin's predicament, commanded Sogeking to burn down the World Government's flag, symbolically declaring war on them.

Spandam was taken aback by this bold declaration and shouted that the crew had no chance of survival with the whole world as their enemy. Luffy, undeterred, defiantly challenged Spandam's statement, causing Spandam to become fearful of him. When Franky proposed a bet with Spandam, acknowledging the Straw Hats' bravery, and Robin finally declared her desire to live, Spandam demanded an explanation.

To his shock, Franky revealed that he had carried the Pluton blueprints with him all along. Spandam's excitement soared as he realized the blueprints were right in front of him the whole time, disregarding Franky's bet on the outcome of their fight. However, his joy turned to speechless disbelief as Franky set the blueprints on fire.

Franky explained that he burned them to prevent the construction of a second Pluton and to ensure that someone like Spandam would never possess such a dangerous weapon. Infuriated by Franky's destruction of the blueprints, Spandam pushed Franky off the edge of the Tower of Justice in a fit of rage. Unbeknownst to Spandam, Franky was saved by being struck by the Rocketman, a train piloted by Kokoro.

Spandam then commanded CP9 to prioritize winning and protecting his life at all costs, emphasizing the importance of preserving his status. Afterward, he relocated with Robin and Lucci to the lower levels of the tower to escort her across the Bridge of Hesitation, continuing his pursuit of ultimate power and control.

Spandam and Lucci continued escorting Robin toward the Gates of Justice. Along the way, Lucci stayed behind to engage in a fierce battle with Monkey D. Luffy, leaving Spandam to proceed with Robin. In a foolish turn of events, Spandam accidentally activated the Buster Call, unleashing chaos and confusion on the island.

He carelessly shouted insults at the Marines, declaring his indifference toward their lives and prioritizing his own safety and preventing Robin's escape. The island descended into pandemonium as the destructive power of the Buster Call wreaked havoc.

Still from the anime.

During their journey, Robin made desperate attempts to free herself and avoid reaching the end of the bridge. She resorted to biting the edge of the bridge in a bid to delay their progress. Spandam took pleasure in mocking her, belittling her weakness and proclaiming her hopelessness. He taunted her, asserting that the Straw Hats would be annihilated, and she would never be saved.

As he boasted about being the son of Spandine, the man responsible for her life of misery, Robin finally broke into tears, overwhelmed by her pain. Spandam cruelly laughed at her suffering and forcefully dragged her by her hair toward the end of the bridge, inching closer to their destination at the Gates of Justice.

However, his triumphant moment was short-lived. Sogeking, operating from a distance, struck Spandam with one of his explosive projectile attacks. The impact allowed Robin to break free from her handcuffs, thanks to Franky's intervention, and acquire the remaining keys from Sogeking. Spandam was filled with horror as he realized that the seemingly invincible CP9 had indeed been defeated.

Determined to prevent Robin's escape, he attempted to attack her, only to be crushed under the weight of his own sword as Franky exacted his long-awaited vengeance for Tom's sake. Robin, now free from Spandam's grasp, unleashed her pent-up anger and frustration upon him. Her first act was to repeatedly slap him, inflicting a senseless beating as she sought retribution for all the pain he had caused her.

Spandam's face became swollen and bruised under the onslaught. Overwhelmed by the pain, he eventually passed out, falling unconscious from the combined effects of the beating and Sogeking's subsequent attack. As the Straw Hat Pirates made their escape on the revived Going Merry, Spandam regained consciousness, albeit with a severely bruised and swollen appearance.

Still from the anime.

He issued the order to fire, falsely claiming that Aokiji had granted him permission to do so despite Robin being aboard the ship. Frustrated by the CP9's inability to stop the small group of pirates, Spandam grew increasingly agitated.

Robin, recognizing his frustration and recalling the pain he had inflicted upon her, used her "Clutch" move on him. The intensity of her grip caused his back to break, leaving him writhing in agony as the Straw Hats sailed away to safety.

CP9's Independent Report

After the failed mission and the defeat of CP9, Spandam blamed his former subordinates for the mission's failure and ordered the Marines to capture them. This marked the beginning of CP9's journey to evade the Marines.

Spandam also explained why CP9 couldn't seek medical help from the government due to their classified status. Despite his injuries, Spandam managed to survive, though he was seen heavily bandaged and confined to a hospital bed.

One Piece manga panel.

During his recovery, he was given a Den Den Mushi and was shocked to receive a call from his former subordinate, Rob Lucci. As the remaining members of CP9 fought off the Marines sent after them, Lucci contacted Spandam, ending the call by promising to return someday. Following these events, Spandam teamed up with his father, Spandine, to plot the assassination of CP9.

Dressrosa Arc

Time passed, and after the time skip, Spandam reappeared as an agent of CP0, having fully recovered from his injuries. Interestingly, he became a subordinate of Rob Lucci. Together, they traveled to Dressrosa to obtain evidence of the Donquixote Family's smuggling operations, only to find that the evidence had already been taken.

One Piece Film: Gold

Spandam arrived at Gran Tesoro, where he struck a deal with Gild Tesoro and received a significant payment in exchange for bringing his forces to assist Tesoro's crew in dealing with the Straw Hat Pirates. During the intense battle between the Straw Hats, the citizens of Gran Tesoro, and Tesoro's crew, Spandam made an appearance.

Still from the anime.

He managed to bind Monkey D. Luffy in spiked seastone chains and prepared to deliver a final blow using Funkfreed. However, Rikka intervened, blocking Spandam's strike with a pipe.

Startled by the unexpected interference, Spandam turned around, allowing Luffy enough time to free himself and deliver a powerful punch that sent Spandam crashing into the ground, defeating him. Subsequently, Spandam was taken back to the Marine fleet, where he received medical treatment for his injuries.

Wano Country Arc

Near the end of the Levely, Spandam and agents of Cipher Pol approached various individuals to inquire about the whereabouts of Nefertari Vivi or Sabo, seeking information on them.

