Review: Stefflon Don hits London on her Don Meets Dons tour

Last night (Thursday March 8), Stefflon Don hit LondonsO2 Forum Kentish Town as part of her debut sold out UK tour. Alongside her hit singles, Stefflon Don gave passionate performances of fan favourites such as 16 Shots, Bum Bum Tam Tam and Envy Us to name but a few.Looking a million dollars in her nude

Last night (Thursday March 8), Stefflon Don hit London’s O2 Forum Kentish Town as part of her debut sold out UK tour.

Alongside her hit singles, Stefflon Don gave passionate performances of fan favourites such as ’16 Shots’, ‘Bum Bum Tam Tam’ and ‘Envy Us’ to name but a few. Looking a million dollars in her nude bodysuit, she was backed by a troupe of dazzling female dancers.

The enigmatic artist has been involved in many collaborations so it wasn’t a surprise to see guest appearances from Ms Banks, Krept and Konan and Fekky who each delivered their verses on their featured tracks. An extra nice surprise for the crowd was an appearance by fellow popstars Mabel and Raye who joined Stefflon for the first performance of their collaboration ‘Cigarette’ which dropped last week. On International Women’s Day in particular, it was such a nice thing to see a solid and supportive partnership from three artists so early on in their career who could easily have been regarded as competitors.

It wouldn’t be called the Don Meets Dons Tour without some serious crowd participation and Stefflon Don certainly didn’t shy away from putting the spotlight on her fans, or Dons as she has affectionately named them. We were treated to a twerking competition early on in the show where crowd members were selected to get up on stage and participate against each other in the skill of booty shaking. The crowd were the judges and ultimately the Top 2 contestants who received the loudest cheers were both deemed the champions and won a mystery prize for their efforts.

Later on as she launched into ‘Real Ting’, Stefflon said she wanted to recreate the video and invited fans on stage to dance with her. Fans on and off stage vibed to the track as she made her most confident performance of the night.

All in all, the concert was an enjoyable night and just a small taster of what’s to come from Stefflon Don. One thing that impressed us the most was the dedication of her fans. The majority of the audience sang and rapped to the Real Ting mixtape and almost every other verse lyric by lyric. With a US tour on the horizon and European festivals incoming, it won’t be long until Stefflon Don is running the ting worldwide.

Are you a Stefflon Don fan? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix.

