Natalie Portmans friends worry her baby-daddy is the ballet K-Fed

Theres a hilarious story in this weeks In Touch Weekly all about how Natalie Portmans friends are concerned that Benjamin Millepied is simple the ballet K-Fed. While this has been discussed openly on blogs I think LaineyGossip used a very similar turn of phrase its interesting to see tabloids really go after Natalies


There’s a hilarious story in this week’s In Touch Weekly all about how Natalie Portman’s friends are “concerned” that Benjamin Millepied is simple “the ballet K-Fed”. While this has been discussed openly on blogs – I think LaineyGossip used a very similar turn of phrase – it’s interesting to see tabloids really go after Natalie’s baby-daddy like this. Is it a sign that the tabloids don’t respect Natalie? Or is it a sign that Benjamin really is sketchy?

Does Natalie Portman have a Kevin Federline situation with her choreographer fiance Benjamin Millepied? Friends of the actress are concerned that Benjamin may not have the best intentions.

“He’s a self-promoter who’s loving the spotlight,” says a friend of Natalie. “Her friends are worried she’s in over her head.”

“I don’t think he even thought twice about leaving his girlfriend – which isn’t a very good sign of character. He seems like a social climber who was all over Natalie the moment they met.”

Amongst Natalie’s friends, Benjamin is inviting comparisons to another dancer-turned-star-baby-daddy: “They’re calling him the ballet version of K-Fed!”

“Unfortunately, he’s the father of her baby, and her pals think that she wouldn’t be getting married if she wasn’t pregnant, and that it’s all going too fast. They’re nervous that Natalie will wake up one day and wonder what happened.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

It’s looking more and more like Benjamin is going to get the blame if and when the whole thing goes up in flames. But Natalie is old enough to know better – so what does it say about her IF Benjamin is such a K-Fed-esque tool?

In other Natalie news, she gave an interview to People Magazine about her baby superstitions and whether she’s going to work after baby: “I’m very superstitious. I’m very Jewish that way. We don’t do that.” “That” being talking about what the gender is and plans for the nursery. She also says: “I’ll be out of the public eye after [the baby’s born],” Portman said, adding that she will be laying low for a while and will just take any future career opportunity “as it comes.” But… but… she’ll have to make the money! Ballet K-Fed must be supported financially!



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