MrBeast says he messed up after giving someone an easy challenge that might bankrupt him

YouTube sensation Jimmy "MrBeast" has recently revealed on X, formerly Twitter, that he messed up by giving a man a very easy challenge. So much so that it might even end up making bankrupting the YouTuber. Jimmy is known for the ridiculous monetary challenges for content, but going by the post on social media, it

YouTube sensation Jimmy "MrBeast" has recently revealed on X, formerly Twitter, that he messed up by giving a man a very easy challenge. So much so that it might even end up making bankrupting the YouTuber. Jimmy is known for the ridiculous monetary challenges for content, but going by the post on social media, it seems like the YouTuber may have made a mistake.

MrBeast's challenges that bear high-cost rewards have become ubiquitous across his channel. After all, his videos are famous for having intricate sets and highly expensive props, including millions of dollars worth of expenses. The high numbers in the video title and thumbnails attract millions of viewers who flock to each of his videos, making almost all of them go instantly viral.

But according to a post on X, the YouTuber may have bitten off more than he can chew after promising a man $10,000 in cash reward for each day spent in a grocery store. The premise was bought by Jimmy solely for the challenge. In the post, he mentioned that the man has been breezing through the challenge and is showing no signs of stopping after weeks. Meaning, there is a chance MrBeast might for broke. The post reads:

"I messed up.. I bought a random grocery store and told a random person I’d give him $10,000 everyday he lives in it and it’s been weeks and he shows no signs of ever leaving. I’m gonna go broke."

"Bro found a money glitch": Viewers react to man making $10,000 per day doing one of MrBeast's challenges

Considering how famous MrBeast is, the post on X has naturally attracted a lot of attention from fans, with many noting how easy it would be for the challenger to earn millions of dollars just by staying in the grocery store. Some even thought the the man had found a real-life glitch to earn money.

Viewers think the challenger has found a real-life money glitch(Image via X)

Others have started calculating how much money the man could make by continuing to live in the grocery store for a year. X user @DavidNage stated that it would cost the Content Creator of the Year about $3.6 million.

Others thought that $10,000 was too much, blaming the YouTuber for setting such an easy challenge.

The YouTuber is known for making absurd challenges for his videos, and it's safe to say that he knows what he is doing. This year at Streamys, MrBeast bagged his fourth consecutive Content Creator of the Year Award, making him one of the most successful personalities on the internet.

Recently, he also set the YouTube record for the most views gained by a non-music video on its first day of release, not once but three times in a row.

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