Janice Dickinson has Botox & delusions oozing out of every pore

Janice Dickinson is 56 years old. Compare these photos with that post that I did the other day on 53-year-old Sharon Stone. Any reasonable person would expect a pair of 50-something to look roughly (emphasis on ROUGH) the same, age-wise. But while Sharon Stone either seems to be aging naturally or shes only gotten a


Janice Dickinson is 56 years old. Compare these photos with that post that I did the other day on 53-year-old Sharon Stone. Any reasonable person would expect a pair of 50-something to look roughly (emphasis on “ROUGH”) the same, age-wise. But while Sharon Stone either seems to be aging naturally or she’s only gotten a few modest things done, Janice Dickinson is balls-out gross-looking in these new photos from last night. What’s strange to me is that I really think Janice goes in and consults doctors to maintain this sketchy look. I feel like the Botox is building up in Janice’s face. I feel like it’s trying to leak out of her eyes, out of her pores.

By the way, Janice has hopped on the Amy Winehouse bandwagon. Janice gave a recent interview where she claimed that she had befriended Amy shortly before her death: “She was desperate and her life had become suddenly unmanageable and she wanted to see if I could help her.” By the way, THAT is how you know Winehouse was in trouble – she was reaching out to JANICE.

So of course Dr. Drew had to insert himself into the situation too. He claims, “Believe it or not she was trying to contact me which was weird. Janice Dickinson told me that. I remember getting calls from Europe and thinking, ‘What the hell is this?’ Janice Dickinson, several times on my HLN program, claimed that she gave Amy my number, and that she was reaching out.” For God’s sake. Well, Janice and Dr. Drew, it’s your word against a dead girl’s, so I guess you bitches win.



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

