Is Ruby Soho (fka Ruby Riott) currently dating someone? Exploring the AEW star's relationship status

Ruby Soho is one of the most recognized faces in the wrestling industry. She is known to be a somewhat enigmatic presence inside the ring and a very private individual outside. She had an excellent run on the independent scene after debuting in 2010. After making her name in Ring of Honor in 2015, she

Ruby Soho is one of the most recognized faces in the wrestling industry. She is known to be a somewhat enigmatic presence inside the ring and a very private individual outside.

She had an excellent run on the independent scene after debuting in 2010. After making her name in Ring of Honor in 2015, she made her big move to the WWE in 2016. Ruby featured a lot on NXT as Ruby Riott. She, along with Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan, made their main roster debuts as part of the Riott Squad, where Ruby was seen as the leader.

As mentioned earlier, Ruby Soho is very private and rarely posts anything on social media regarding her personal life. Naturally, that has all the fans interested in her love life, given that she is so secretive. So who exactly is Ruby Soho dating? Right now she is currently single.

However, she was in a relationship with fellow professional wrestler Jake Something, aka Jacob Doyle, who currently works for Impact Wrestling. The pair were together for a while but hardly posted anything on social media.

After an underwhelming run in WWE, Ruby moved to All Elite Wrestling in 2021 and is now a part of The Outcasts alongside Saraya and Toni Storm, where she plays a more prominent role.

Is Ruby Soho a bad influence on Toni Storm?

Toni Storm and Ruby Soho are part of the same stable, The Outcasts, alongside Saraya, and one would think that all of them positively influence each other, but that is clearly not the case if a recent interview is to go by.

Toni Storm sat down with the Daily Star and revealed the kind of influence her teammates have over her. According to the former AEW Women's Champion, it isn't a positive one.

Toni said of Ruby Soho and Saraya:

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say that Saraya and Ruby have been a big part of that, you know, they created this monster. Those are two bad women and they’ve had hell of a bad influence on me so, yeah. It’s crazy what I’ve turned into and it’s only going to get crazier and crazier.” [H/T:EWrestlingNews]

With Saraya and Toni Storm being a part of the four-way match for the AEW Women's Title at the upcoming All In pay-per-view between Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida, it will be interesting to see if Soho has any sort of interference during the match.

Will Soho interfere in the upcoming AEW Women's Title match at All In? Have your say in the comments section below.

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