CelebMix Twitter Fandom Awards 2017 Winner: Dose Of Tradley Best The Vamps Account

Earlier this month CelebMixs Twitter Fandom Awards 2017 wrapped up with some truly worthy and dedicated winners taking the crowns. The winner in The Vamps category was @DoseOfTradley and we had a little chat with runner Carla about her experience running the account and how winning the award has felt.

Earlier this month CelebMix’s Twitter Fandom Awards 2017 wrapped up with some truly worthy and dedicated winners taking the crowns. The winner in The Vamps category was @DoseOfTradley and we had a little chat with runner Carla about her experience running the account and how winning the award has felt.

Q: When did you start Dose of Tradley?

I started Dose Of Tradley 2 years ago, it was summer and I was very very very bored! So I had this idea of creating a fan account that had to have a special nickname and things that people could be curious to see, so I created DoseOfTradley to give a dose of Brad and Tris together to those people who followed me. Everyone loves Tradley, right?

Q: What made you want to start a fan account?

To be honest I created it just because I was bored and also wanted to spread my passion for this beautiful ship, Tradley Evanson, with other people. It was something like a diary where I could share everything just because I wanted to, but I could have never imagined that some day 14.300 people could be so curious to follow my account and become obsessed with it! How amazing?

Q: How long have you been online for?

I’ve been online since 11 June 2015!

Q: How has being the owner of Dose of Tradley affected your life in any way?

Being the owner of this account really changed my whole life. I became more confident, I’m not shy anymore, and I’ve learned, and I’m still learning, new things from those people who follow me! Also, my English marks at school increased (I’m Italian, even if some people believe I’m English or Spanish hahaha) and I think it’s because of the fact that I ALWAYS speak English on this account (and also other languages) and it’s also thanks to The Vamps, of course!

Q: What do you enjoy most about running Dose of Tradley?

Well, on Dose Of Tradley I do so many things such as Q&As, Instagram Livestream, games/polls where you can win chats with 1/4 The Vamps! And, of course, I keep updating people and I love doing it, it became a job for me!

Q: What has been your favourite moment when running Dose of Tradley?

It’s always a pleasure when the boys notice me and my projects! I feel very lucky because The Vamps notice me, they know what I do for them and for their music! I’ve been promoting All Night since day 1 without stopping (example on All Night because it’s their new single, but I’ve been promoting every single yay) and I do it with pleasure, not because ‘The Vamps can notice me’. I always say that you follow a band/artist for his music, not because you can be noticed by him/them.

My favourite moment? When a new single is out, you can see my profile always full of “BUY IT ON ITUNES, STREAM IT ON SPOTIFY/SHAZAM AND REQUEST IT TO RADIO STATIONS” and sometimes I know I’m boring, even for those people who have my notifications on, but The Vamps deserve this and more. So yeah, my profile became a living ad haha. I also changed my wifi router name in “BUY ALL NIGHT ON ITUNES” lol

Q: Have you ever been a part of or run any other fan accounts?

Oh yes, I have other fan accounts! I have ConDoingThings (I LOVE YOU CONNOR) and bradasdisney and CelebMix added Brad as Disney in the article “10 The Vamps fan accounts you should follow” and I felt so happy, so proud!

Q: What was your first reaction when you found out fans of your account had nominated you to win a CelebMix Twitter Fandom Award?

At the beginning, I tried to nominate myself with the help of my friends (FRIENDS, NOT FOLLOWERS!) and when I found out I was nominated and I was on the CelebMix Twitter Fandom Awards I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! I mean, I’m not the only one who has a The Vamps fan account, so how many chances I had to be nominated?

Q: What does being a fandom account owner mean to you?

Being a fandom account owner means not only keep updating people on what the boys do or promote their music. I think that’s something like a chance to be open with other people, even if you have never met them, you can learn things that you didn’t know and you can make new friends! Thanks to this account I met a lot of people and they are the best people ever, that’s the magic of being in a beautiful fandom!

Q: Do you have anything to say to the people who nominated and voted for you?


A massive well done to Carla on winning for her great work with @DoseOfTradley, what are your thoughts on the Twitter Fandom Awards? Let us know @CelebMix and keep tuned for interviews with the other winners.

