5 most fun heroes to play in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 brings heated 5v5 hero shooter action to modern consoles and PCs. Blizzard Entertainment's latest online multiplayer is similar to its original but refined in a few ways. The main appeal, of course, is the variety of unique heroes across different classes that players can use in matches.

Overwatch 2 brings heated 5v5 hero shooter action to modern consoles and PCs. Blizzard Entertainment's latest online multiplayer is similar to its original but refined in a few ways. The main appeal, of course, is the variety of unique heroes across different classes that players can use in matches.

Each has different perks, abilities, and movesets, thus catering to varying playstyles and skill levels. However, which of them is the most fun?

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Orisa, Roadhog, and 3 other heroes that are fun to use in Overwatch 2

1) Ana

Ana is one of the best heroes in her category despite a somewhat high skill ceiling. A sniper by all accounts, her shots heal allies and damage foes.

Ana's biggest assets are her anti-heal nade and sleep dart, both of which can easily turn the tide of battle. The hero is pretty devastating in a skilled player’s hands as she can prevent healing on opponent heroes with high survivability.

Nothing is more satisfying than shutting down Reaper's self-healing shots, which is the only way he can take teams head-on. This upper hand makes her one of the most fun characters to play.

2) Orisa

Orisa dominates the current metagame in Overwatch 2, thanks to her excellent skills that allow users to tank hits easily. Her Javelin can keep enemies at bay, making it easy to push them around.

Orisa's Ultimate "Tera Surge" can pull in surrounding enemies, and charging it high enough can wipe out several heroes of a team. This is especially effective when paired with another hero, like Zarya's Gravion Surge, which prevents foes from getting out of reach.

If players have a decent Support player to tag along with their Orisa, the hero can become nigh unstoppable.

3) Bastion

The trusty robot is a returning character from the original Overwatch and still packs as much of a punch as it did before.

Bastion's kit has seen an overhaul, with the self-heal being replaced by a grenade and Tank Mode Ultimate making way for Artillery.

However, the star of the show is the Assault Configuration, which slows him down but makes him one of the most lethal heroes in the game. This is thanks to a powerful rotary cannon that will shred anything in its path. Mowing down any DPS or Supports that stray into one's crosshairs never gets old.

4) Roadhog

One of the beefiest Tanks in Overwatch 2, Roadhog is a terrifying force to meet on the field. His powerful shotgun makes easy work of most foes, and he can recover nearly half of his HP with his self-heal ability.

What people flock to Roadhog for is his Chain Hook that can satisfyingly pull foes in for a blast to the face or use it to chuck foes into pits, like the well on the Ilios map. Then there’s his Ultimate, which both damages and knocks back enemies.

5) Sojourn

Sojourn is among the few newcomers to Overwatch 2. She is one of the best DPS characters in the game at the moment.

Sojourn enjoys fast maneuverability thanks to her slide, boasts a high fire rate with her railgun, and has a devastating alt-fire that can demolish opponents, especially other DPS heroes. Her Disruptor Shot can also decimate unsuspecting foes that are unfortunate enough to find themselves at the center of it.

All in all, Sojourn's ability to outright delete opponents off the battlefield makes her the most enjoyable hero to play.

Overwatch 2 is available as a free-to-play shooter on PC, PS4, XB1, PS5, XSX|S, and Nintendo Switch platforms.

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